Wilson Frame Pad for prone positioning

Wilson Frame Pad for prone positioning
Product Description and Function Features
Patients need to keep one posture for a long time during surgery. Therefore, our company designed and manufactured gel position pads according to the market demand. Gel ophthalmic cradle and contoured headrest is one model of gel pads. Based on the human engineering structure, the gel position pads is designed. And it adopts unique gel material and possesses excellent biological properties. It is similar to human skin , which makes it possess excellent elasticity and provide sustained support. Gel pads is suitable for various skin and can make gravity distribute on silicone uniformly. The flowing of silicone can disperse the pressure effectively , which provides excellent pressure relief. Gel pads may achieve comfortable and stable position fixing, which makes the time of surgery reduced. Maximum dispersion of pressure to avoid the occurrence of pressure sores and nerve damage. Thereinto, Wilson frame pad for prone positioning has two layers of structure . And its above layer is made of gel material and its bottom of the Wilson frame is made of polyurethane material. And the most importance, Wilson frame pad for prone positioning can be suitable to prone position surgery and can relief the pressure of chest. It can also make the patients maintain good respiratory and circulatory functions . Wilson frame pad for prone positioning is mainly used in cervical and lumbar spinal surgery.
60*49*16 cm
Manufacturer: Harbin Howell Medical Apparatus and Instruments Co.,Ltd.
Whatsapp : +8615774603298
Our company is one of the most professional medical apparatus and instruments company in China. We produce operating table, position gel pad, accessories of operating table, etc. We can also make appropriate adjustments to our products according to customers’ needs. Our company can also do mold production.



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