Arm and Hand Surgery Table Functions and Features of Arm and Hand Surgery Table Harbin Howell Medical Apparatus and Instruments Co.,Ltd. is one of the largest and professional medical equipment manufacturers in China. Our company mainly produced operating table, gel positioning pads and accessories of operating room. With the development of medical career, accessories of operating room has constantly been updated. As the development of medical industry and the maturation of the technique of replantation of severed fingers, microsurgery surgery has already been employed widely. And microsurgery surgery mainly is used to replantation of severed fingers and limbs, Operation of various free flaps and anastomosis of vascular nerves, etc. Because the vascular nerve of fingers and limbs, it is hard to operations such as suture and replantation. Therefore, it is essential to adopt technology of microsurgery. And meanwhile, as the development of microsurgery, the medical equipment which...